Foreign Language and Study Abroad Funding Opportunities
Dr. Todd Karr and Dr. Lenny UreƱa Valerio

Wednesday, November 20, 2024 | 10:30 am
Latin American and Iberian Institute (801 Yale Blvd NE)
801 Yale Blvd NE (campus building #165)
Join LAII and GEO to learn more about foreign language and study abroad funding opportunities, including: Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships, Boren Awards, Critical Language Scholarships (CLS), Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarships, and the Freeman-Asia Program.
Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship: The FLAS Fellowship supports the study of less-commonly taught languages, area studies, and international competencies related to Latin America.
Boren Awards: Boren Awards support the study of critical languages and cultural field studies ofworld regions that are underrepresented in study abroad.
Critical Language Scholarship: CLS provides opportunities for American college and universitystudents to study languages and cultures essential to America’s engagement with the world.
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship: The Gilman Scholarship Program enables students oflimited financial means to study or intern abroad, providing them with skills critical to our nationalsecurity and economic prosperity. To be eligible for the Gilman Program, applicants must bereceiving a Federal Pell Grant.
Freeman-Asia Program: The Freeman-Asia Program supports U.S.-based undergraduates withdemonstrated financial need who are planning to study abroad in East or Southeast Asia.
This event is free and open to the public.