Water & Climate Change Across the Americas: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Headwater Dependent Systems in Latin America and the American Southwest

May 02, 2024
Bobo Room at Hodgin Hall
Please join us for an extraordinary event to discuss water and climate change across the Americas! Seven Latin American scholars from Ecuador, Chile, Argentina and Peru will be here to present on their research in South American river basins and to learn from UNM students and scholars about the challenges in the Rio Grande and Chama. On Thursday, the symposium will be in Hodgin Hall at UNM. On Friday, we will have a traveling symposium of on-site talks on water and climate change along the Middle Rio Grande. The group will visit three sites throughout the day and hear presentations from researchers at each. All talks are open to the public. On Friday, participants can join any site or the bus tour (advance registration is required for the bus). Thank you to the Latin American and Iberian Institute, Richard E. Greenleaf Symposium Fund and the Western Hemisphere Center of the Guadalupe Institute for their support of this unique opportunity!