LLC Speaker Series: Revitalizing Indigenous Languages
Dr. Antonia Carcelén-Estrada

Wednesday, September 27, 2023 | 03:00 pm
Language Learning Center Lab 1
1st Floor in Ortega Hall, UNM
Join us for a lecture "Revitalizing Indigenous Languages," part of the Language Learning Center's Speaker Series.
The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the proclamation of the current International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2023-2032) have made their dent in making indigenous languages visible. But these efforts do nothing to strengthen languages without the active design and implementation of projects by indigenous nations in their territories.
As a comparatist, Dr. Carcelén-Estrada uses disciplines as tools that enable the translation of epistemologies and meanings according to the demands of each world contained in a language, always hoping to have an impact by strengthening it in whatever shape or form. She aims to share some of these experiences in her own decolonial work.
This event is free and open to the public.