What Color is my identity?
Dr. Linda GarcĂa Merchant

Tuesday, April 18, 2023 | 12:00 pm
Frank Waters Room, Zimmerman Library
Dr. Garcia Merchant will present a multimodal experience using still images, film, and creative writing to explore what it means to grow up during a time before biculturalism. Her talk will explore the following questions: what does it mean to have an identity that begins without definition, then live through a navigation of derogatory language and "culture rejection"? How does identity formation persevere and evolve through moments of forced upon definition? What happens when it seems/feels like the only response to it all can be to pause, reflect and not respond as an act of defense, accusation, or rebuttal? She will explore the tensions, complexities, and joys of being AfroChicana.
Garcia Merchant holds a PhD in Chicana/Latina Literary and Cultural Studies and Digital Humanities from the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. She is the co-founder (with Maria Cotera) of the Chicana por mi Raza Digital Memory Collective at the University of Texas-Austin and a Digital Humanities Consultant on the Afro-Chican Digital Humanities Project: Memories, Narratives, and Oppositional Consciousness of Black Diasporas, a cross-institutional and cross-regional comparative research project funded through Crossing Latinidades, an Andrew C. Mellon Foundation initiative.
This event is free and open to the public.