March, 2023
Wednesday, March 01, 2023 | 02:00 pm

Working With Immigrant and Refugee Communities: Training Opportunities and Career Advice
Dr. Jessica Goodkind, Dr Kimberly Gauderman, Alli Wheeler
Learn about training opportunities, valuable skills, and career advice that will prepare you to work effectively with migrant and refugee communities.
Tuesday, March 07, 2023 | 01:00 pm

Working With Immigrant and Refugee Communities in Albuquerque
Rodrigo Gechem, Fiore Bran Aragon, Dr. Cris Elder
Learn about volunteering opportunities in ABQ that will help you prepare and gain valuable experience to work with migrants from Latin America and other parts of the world.
Thursday, March 09, 2023 | 08:30 am

Latinx Visions: Speculative Worlds in Latinx Art, Literature, and Performance
Latinx artists, writers, and performers are envisioning speculative worlds, including dystopias, utopias, apocalyptic lands, fantastic futures, and horrifying worlds, at a greater rate than ever before. This creative renaissance raises the following questions: Why are Latinx creators drawn to the speculative genres of science fiction, fantasy, and horror, and why now? What is aesthetically exceptional about these new Latinx speculative worlds? With these questions in mind, the Latinx Visions project is gathering, for the first time, some of the most prominent scholars working on this topic for a conference at the University of New Mexico on March 9-11, 2023. The members of the project team, Matthew David Goodwin, Cathryn Merla-Watson, and Santiago Vaquera-Vásquez, have each been guiding the development of this field for over a decade, and are uniquely prepared to bring together the various threads of scholarship from across the Humanities. The conference will be free and open to the public, both virtual and in person. Approximately seventy professors will give presentations at the conference, and we expect that there will be at least a hundred students attending over the course of the conference. Following the conference, the project team will arrange the conference papers into a volume of revised and peer-reviewed chapters. The edited volume, Latinx Visions, is slated to be published in September of 2024 through the Ohio State University Press for their book series “New Suns: Race, Gender, and Sexuality.” In addition to the publication of an edited volume, the conference will result in the creation of a multimedia archive accessible to academics and the larger public that will be housed at the website In sum, the Latinx Visions project will forge a vital arena for understanding Latinx speculative worlds, significantly advancing the state of this rapidly growing field.
Thursday, March 09, 2023 | 03:00 pm

Land-Based Organizing in Caño Martín Peña Community Land Trust, San Juan, Puerto Rico - A Community Control Model for Informal Settlements in Latin America and Beyond
Miles Nowlin
As informal settlements face increasing threats of dispossession, residents, and planners are looking to the Community Land Trust (CLT) model as a tool to promote community control and affordable housing preservation. The Caño Martin Peña Community Land Trust (CMP-CLT) in San Juan, Puerto Rico, was the first CLT designed from within an informal settlement in Latin America and has become a beacon model for similar land-based struggles
Thursday, March 23, 2023 | 03:00 pm

"Sounds Good: A Rhythmic History of Brega" - Screening + Presentation with Creator/Director
Mateus Santos, UNM PhD History Student
Thursday, March 30, 2023 | 02:00 pm

Musicology Colloquium: Musical Representation and Advocacy Through Mariachi Consultancies
Lauryn Salazar , Texas Tech University
This presentation explores how Salazar's research on mariachi music has been used in terms of the musical and visual representation of the mariachi tradition through her consultancies with Disney Pixar’s Coco and the 2022 USPS Mariachi Stamps.
Thursday, March 30, 2023 | 03:00 pm

Friday, March 31, 2023 | 03:00 pm